
Leading Manufacturers, Exporters, Wholesaler, Retailer of 4620 Bajaj CEC Hull Beater, Bajaj CEC Decorticator, Bajaj CEC Seed Cleaner, Bajaj-CEC LE 176 Delinter and LC410D Bajaj CEC Linter Cleaner Machine from Nagpur.

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Material Mild Steel
Power Source Electric
Type Hulling Machines
Country of Origin India
Brand Bajaj
Top Chamber 5 PH , 1500 RPM
Bottom Chamber 2 HP, 1500 RPM
Air Requirements 750 CFM

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Unsurpassed in efficiency, the model 4620 Hull Beater is uniquely designed with a built in tailing beater eliminating the need for additional conveying systems. Capable of handling capacities in excess of 200 tons per day of delinted & undelinted cottonseed, the model 4620 is unequaled in the industry. When combined with the CEC/BAJAJ decorticator /separator system, oil in hulls is maintained at a low level by residual meat recovery to maximum extent, even with 12 % to 14% lint on hulls.

  • Built in tailing beater eliminating the need for additional conveying systems
  • Common mechanical conveying system for Hull discharge from both chambers.
  • Capable of handling in excess of 200 tons per day of delinted and un delinted seed.
  • Electric motors are conveniently located for ventilation & easy maintenance



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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Brand Name Bajaj
Capacity – Black Seed 8 to 9 TPH
Twin Roll Motor 25 HP 1500 RPM
Hydraulic Unit Motor 2 HP 1200 RPM
Feeder Motor 1 HP Variable
Cutting Segments 38 (19 per roll)
Shaker Tray Motor 3 HP
Basket Beater Motor 1.5 HP
Air Requirement 5200 CFM

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CEC was the first to envision and implement the modern twin-roll hulling design since 1962. First to incorporate a decorticator with a basket beater and high speed separation. First to successfully process undelinted cottonseed with lowest kernel with hull. Highest Capacity per meter width of twin roll drum.

  • l No uncut seed recycling – virtually 100% of seed is cut and processed


  • Replaceable cutting surface on decorticator roll will process the highest tonnage at the lowest cost.
  • Two removable Basket Beater Trays provided for ease of processing multiple oil seeds such as cottonseed delinted / undelinted, sunflower, soybean and groundnut etc.
  • Three hull aspiration ducts allows for maximized hull removal and meat purification to obtain desired protein levels.



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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Material Mild Steel
Brand Name Bajaj
Type Seed Cleaning Machine
Country of Origin India
Fan Motor 10 HP
Motor for Sieve Boat 3 HP
Screen Size L*W 800 * 1500mm

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Bucket Attachment for Cotton and Seed Handling
  • Quick assembly of attachments
  • Designed for higher safety
  • User friendly
  • Handling big loads

We offer custom designed attachments for material handling by tractors in cotton ginning and pressing plants. Bajaj employs latest design techniques and manufacturing techniques to provide rigid, high quality attachments for

  • Cotton Bale Handling
  • Loose cotton handling
  • Seed Heaping and loading to bagging hoppers
  • Heaping of cotton


  • Heavy duty applications
  • Anti friction bushes and high quality hardened pins at all points
  • Robust construction for long life
  • High quality hydraulic systems for better performance
  • Level indicators available wherever necessary
  • Bucket sizes as per customer’s requirements
  • Easily detachable units
  • Lifting heights upto 17 ft.
  • Non metallic coverings for tips to avoid chances of spark or fire

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Brand Name Bajaj
Saw Motor 30 HP 1500 RPM
Float Motor 20 HP 1500 RPM
Brush Motor 3HP 1000 RPM
Feeder Motor 1HP with VFD
Saw Blanks 176 Nos
Doffing Brush 40 Rows x 2
Air Requirement 2200 CFM
Capacity-Mill Run 35 TPD per M/C
Linter Recovery 4 to 5% on Mill Run
Seed Moisture 5 to 10%

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BAJAJ-CEC LE 176 DELINTER is designed for High Capacity cotton Seed delinting at rates upto 4.2 tons per hour. It is designed for maximum efficiency and production of superior quality Linter at industry leading production rates. Maximum efficiency is obtained through precise engineering in a user friendly design to facilitate operation and maintenance. It has 176 Saw Blanks made of superior & special steel material.

  • Efficient Roll Box design minimizes drag for an easier flow of seed Mass.
  • Lowest Energy – to capacity ratio in the Industry.
  • Saw Mandrel made of mechanical tubing provides smooth operation
  • Electric motors are conveniently located for ventilation & easy maintenance
  • Positive tooth belt drives eliminate slippage & provides efficient power transmission

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Power Source Electrical
Feature Optimum Finish
Type Lint Cleaner
Function Dust Lint Cleaning
Country of Origin India
Brand Bajaj

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BAJAJ-CEC LC 410D is uniquely designed with the paddle sections capable of handling capacities in access of 10 tons per day of recovered linter. The cellulose yield of removed linter is maintained at maximum. The linter cleaner accommodates automatic screen cleaning at desired intervals. The LC-410D provides additional cleaning where its needed the most, three times the effective pepper section cleaning than the competitors.


  • Linter Cleaner also incorporates Automatic Screen Cleaning which blows down the entire length of both hull pepper sections with high-pressure air. Manual blow-down and unnecessary shutdown are thus eliminated.
  • The blow down system is PLC controlled and can be programmed both for duration & frequency of the air blasts.'
  • 28% greater cleaning surface area for first-pass cleaning than others.
  • Electric motors are conveniently located for ventilation & easy maintenance.
  • Reclaim section designed to accommodate any additional shale removal which may be required.



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