
Bajaj Steel Industries Limited (Bajaj), Nagpur, India, established in 1961, is a public limited company, listed on Bombay Stock Exchange. The company is having world class engineering setup in its various plants situated in and around Nagpur. The present activities of the company are as below:

A) Manufacturing

  • Largest and Modern Cotton Ginning & Pressing Machinery Manufacturer in India
  • World class Delinting and Decorticating machinery manufacturing
  • World class machining of components and parts for various applications
  • All types of electrical panels to meet various industrial needs
  • High quality structural fabrication for buildings and machinery applications etc.
  • Manufacturing of various other machineries, components and parts as per drawings
  • High quality mechanical conveyors and elevators
  • Pneumatic conveying, dust / waste handling systems and humidification systems
  • Engineering and construction projects
  • Hydraulic cylinders, Power packs & Manifolds for various applications

Bajaj is the only company in the world producing machineries for all cotton ginning technologies i.e Double Roller, Saw Gin & Rotobar, all Pressing technologies i.e. Down Packing, Up Packing & Horizontal Packing, as well as Seed Cleaning, Delinting & Decorticating, apart from general engineering fabrication, machining, intelligent electrical panel manufacturing and various other engineering activities. The company is on high growth path and adding various items to its fold consistently yoy.

Company is having extensive facilities for following:

  1. Engineering Designs
  2. Machining
  3. Fabrication
  4. Assembly


The company was established by Late Shri Gangabisenji Bajaj in 1961 and is now run under able guidance of his son Shri Hargovind Bajaj. The group is having wide experience in the fields of engineering, cotton, plastics and various other activities. The company has been pioneer in double roller cotton ginning technology with largest market share in the segment. The company has grown rapidly and now expanded its manufacturing, fabrication and assembly facilities manifold. Earlier company was having only factory at Imambada Nagpur, now it is having four major manufacturing facilities. The company has recently entered into technical collabration for manufacturing of saw gin, rotobar gin and other equipments earlier manufactured by Continental Eagle Corporation, USA to manufacture them in India.

The Bajaj Differenc

Dedicated Production Blocks :- Every product has dedicated manufcturing equipment, ensuring complete quality assurance and consistency

Guaranteed Performance :-All products are tested for pharmacopoeia and functional parameters to ensure desired performance

Regulatory Track Record :- Robust Quality Management system, regularly re-evaluated by recognized authorities and customers







Contact Us

Bajaj Steel Industries Limited

C-108, Midc Industrial Area, Hingna, Nagpur - 440028, Maharashtra, India

Mr. Lalit Kalantri General Manager Sales ( For Sales Enquiry / Existing Clients only)

Email : kalantri@bajajngp.com

Mobile : +91-9325132311

Mr. Nilesh Laddhad,GM Project and Purchase (For Purchase Enquiry only)

Email. : nladdhad@bajajngp.com

Mobile. : +91-7030953049

Phone : +91-07104-238101

Mrs. Suneet Menon, Senior Manager HR & IR (For HR & IR related only)

Mobile.. : +91-7104238101-20

Emails, : menon.suneet@bajajngp.com

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