Model 9500 Down Packing Cotton Baling Press

1 Piece (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
Brand Name Bajaj
Type Cotton Baling Press
Country of Origin India
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Product Details

Press the ginned cotton in individual bale
High Density, Universal Density, Customised Bale Sizes
Automatic Grade
Power Consumption
Based On No. of Bales and Bale Size

Two Capacity Options Available 45 Bales Per Hour And 60 Bales Per Hour.

  • Universal Density 20”X54” (.508m X 1.3716m)
  • High Density 20” X 41” (.508m X 1.0414m)

The Continental Eagle Model 9500 slip box down-packing press is capable of baling cotton up to 55 bales per hour and is similar in design to the successful 950 press. The 9500 press uses less connected horsepower and is 3’-3” (.9906 m) shorter than the 950 press. The 9500 press is available in both a universal density 20” X 54” at 28 pounds/cubic foot (.508 m x 1.3716 m) at 12.7008 kg/cubic meter and a high-density 20” X 41” at 32 pounds/cubic foot (.508 X 1.0414 m) at 14.5152 kg/cubic meter) bale size model. The 9500 is designed to press at a capacity that would be sufficient to handle two or three high capacity gin stands in a cotton ginning facility.



The overall height of the 9500 press is 28’- 2 5/8” (8.6011 m). Press dogs are designed into the boxes to hold the cotton in the box when the boxes are rotated. A 11’ X 20’ (3.3528 m X 6.096 m) work/access platform surrounds the front and rear of the press with an access ladder or optional stairs. The pusher has a 49-inch (1.2446 m) tall face and a 2’/2-inch (6.35 cm) diameter by 54-inch (6.4516 m) stroke hydraulic cylinder. The hydraulic control block for the pusher has a unique feature that takes the pusher out of “regenerative mode” toward the end of the extend stroke. This feature increases the available force (4000 pounds @ 800 psi) (1.8144 mt @ 5161.28 cm2) to push the cotton charge into the charge box under the tramper. Ultra high molecular weight (UHMW) and special ceramic UHMW are used on all wear surfaces. The tramper cylinder length is 102 inches (2.5908 m) with a 6-inch (15.24 cm) diameter to reduce operating pressure. UHMW blocks are used on the guide rods. The two ram cylinders have a length of 80 inches (2.0320 m) with 10 inch (25.4 cm) diameters. Two press rams are used for a more even distribution of force when pressing a bale. The hydraulic system utilizes a single 750 gallon (2839.05 Liters) vertical tank design. The ram pump is a high volume piston pump with a operating pressure of 5800 psi (37419.28 cm2). Vane pumps are used on the tramper, stripper, pusher, and auxiliary components. Pressure filter safeguards are used on several hydraulic lines for contaminant removal. The 9500 press is PLC controlled. Pushbuttons for every press operation are located on the face of the console for instant control access. The press console uses a touch screen for monitoring pressures, making operational adjustments and troubleshooting. Pressure sensitive switch mats come standard and cover the full rotational area when the press boxes rotate.

Several bale handling options are available. An automatic bale cart and bagging system and a retractable bale conveyor and bagging system.

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